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How to Get Away with Advertising

If you own a business, sell a product or service, or do just about anything involving customers, you know that good advertising can be like trying to get away with murder. The solution might just be the next episode of our favorite thing about Thursday nights: How to Get Away with Murder. Check out some of these tips we’ve picked up from Annalise and the Keating Four: 

Lying isn’t easy, so don’t try it: If Annalise and team are good at anything, it’s transforming the truth. While those little fibs might seem to work out short-term, they always come back to wreak havoc. Avoid sticky situations by keeping your advertisements true.

Listen, listen, then listen again: Want to win your case? Pay close attention to the opposing counsel’s argument and respond accordingly. Even better, anticipate their argument so that you can minimize surprises. Want to reach your customers? Do exactly the same thing -- listen. Your audience is talking, whether it’s through social media platforms or in-store conversations. The best way to reach them is to monitor those discussions so that your advertisements can be a direct response to your consumers’ top-of-mind concerns.

Get rid of the evidence: Digital and print advertisements are becoming less and less about screaming “HEY! Look at me!” and more about organically integrating into the everyday life of consumers. What does that mean for you? Don’t leave a body. Embrace native advertising platforms and personable, organic content to make your interactions with your audience feel like a persuasive conversation instead of a blatant cry for sales.

The best way to win a trial is with a little creativity, and the same goes for advertisements. Is the jury still out on the best way to speak to your customers? Drop us a line on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, or give us a call and we’ll work with you on a strategy that would make Annalise Keating proud.