Every business has a character or personality: who you are, where you've come from, and what you've done all combine to form your brand. Your logo is the visual brand of the business, and a carefully crafted verbal brand is just as important.
When we address the branding of a company (the visual, the verbal, and everything else that goes into what defines your “brand”), we often ask the owners to name an actor or character from film or literature that could represent their firm. It's a shorthand way of beginning to define your personality, and it's kind of an a-ha moment when you begin to envision your business in this new way.
Once clarified ("We're Tom Selleck" or "We're Julianne Moore"), we can then establish a tone, an attitude, or a cadence of speech that helps your customers sense this personality coming through. This kind of branding also helps create stronger connections or deeper loyalties with customers. It's especially critical in social media venues, where the author of a blog needs to sound both human and representative of the brand.
Who's the character that represents your company? Call us. We'd love to help you round out your brand's personality, too.